I'm pretty sure most people have heard of a "Cookie Exchange" where a group of people (usually women) get together around Hanukkah and Christmas and bake a batch of their specialty cookies and have cards available with the recipe so that they can share it.
Anyway, my Dear Friend KDPierre came up with a different idea. How about doing one with Holiday cocktails? It doesn't have to have alcohol in it (Good thing, because I don't drink alcohol!) and it would be fun! Well, I'm on board with that!
You can find the blog with the participation information and "rules" HERE! On the date of what I'm calling the "Cocktail Party" add your link to the recipe, and then, add everyone else's links to their cocktail recipes so it looks like Hermoine's and then EVERYONE can have some fun!
See you on the 17th!
Thanks for spreading the word!