Friday, June 30, 2017

Life Is Funny That Way

All that kerfuffle for nothing!

Okay, I admit it: I wasn't exactly thrilled with my boyfriend's rapid descent into insanity by getting together with a woman shortly after his girlfriend broke up with him. 

 However, I was thrilled that he was willing to meet with me and negotiate an agreement regarding our polyamorous relationship. I was even more thrilled when he kept his promise and met with me. I found a vegan cafe within walking distance of where I live recently, so that's where we went.

I wasn't happy about this new girl, but I never told him on our numerous back and forth messages because I honestly didn't know how to approach it without sounding snarky or bitchy.

When he texted me about being on his way, he made an offhand comment about this being a particularly difficult week.

At this point, not much he says or does surprises me. Still, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the new girl not only broke it off with him, but she also blocked him on all social media. I swear I had nothing to do with it, but I did tell him about all my concerns regarding her. He completely understood, and even mentioned "dodging that bullet." I'm glad he saw it that way.

So we did have that sit down meeting about our polyamory agreement, and I'm pleased to say that I got most of what I asked for. I even suggested that he gets to know a few women on my circle of friends that are nice and eligible.

I will try to update on this at a later date to see if he follows through.


  1. OK, well that certainly resolved itself quickly.

    1. Thank goodness for that! I really didn't like her, and I like most people.
