Monday, November 11, 2013

Visiting The In-Laws Part 3 (Coming Home)

Sometime after the last two entries, we all played Scrabble together. Let me tell you, I've heard stories about Shilo and his games of Scrabble with his parents, so even though I wasn't exactly inexperienced in Scrabble, I was feeling slightly intimidated by a game, so I had watched the last 10 minutes of a 2 hour game on Saturday, so I was armed and prepared.

The game consisted of much long silences, punctuated with an occasional groan, or a "You took my space" from Shilo's dad. In case I didn't mention it before, Shilo's dad is a man of very few words. He likes golfing and watching football, and he comes across as a staunch Republican. Shilo's mom was also quiet, which was a change from her previous behavior. Seeing her silent, and hearing him talk was rather nice, even if it only lasted as long as the game. At the end, Shilo's mom was the one with no tiles left, and Shilo won, 40 points ahead of me, with me coming in second.

Shilo had thought I was angry earlier, but he had also taken the time to read the other blog entries, and had finally realized that I was dealing with my own confusion. I'm happy to say that by the time we turned out the lights, Shilo and I were on very good terms.

We were up this morning at the equivalent of about 4AM PST. Neither of us was particularly bright eyed, but we quickly showered and packed. Sunshine was "out" before I finished showering, and she was excitedly talking much of the way to the airport in New Orleans. As traffic slowed into morning rush hour, she fell asleep. When we arrived at the airport, it was me who woke up. Shilo's mom was confused to say the least, but she also has a better idea of the Sunshine/me and how we are.

Anyway, there was lots of hugs and kisses and "I Love you's" exchanged, and I don't feel so sad anymore about my my own mom. I have Shilo's mom now, and she's completely different from my mom, but she has the capacity to love and accept all of me, and that makes it all the more better for me.

I was wheeled through Security and to the Gate, and we both waited for the plane. Strangely enough, Sunshine never came back. Not through the takeoff, the flight or the landing. I even napped on the plane, and I woke up as myself. I was relaxed and at ease the whole time. I held Shilo's hand at both takeoff and landing, but it wasn't my usual death grip of the past. I'm not sure what this means, if anything, but I'm looking forward to my last planned trip by airplane till April this weekend. Being home for a change will be nice.

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