Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ugliness AKA: The Woman ALWAYS Knows

This will not be easy to put into words. Don't get me wrong, I can be very eloquent when speaking in public, and I'd like to think I have a gift for expressing myself using the written word. No, this is difficult because what happened today was ugly. It was necessary, but it was a situation I never imagined I'd find myself in. Today I punished Shilo. It was not my pleasure to do it, and, if all goes well, it will never happen again.

Some Background: I am a non-smoker. I started smoking when I was about 12, and quit when I was 17. I'm now 52. That makes about 35 years of not smoking. I've come to detest the odor of cigarettes and I avoid smokers in general. When it comes to smokers, my nose is very sensitive. It may have been several hours since you (whoever you may be) had a cigarette, but I can smell it. Yes, my nose is that sensitive. I once had a play partner who was a smoker. I had no idea until he was nearly naked and I was beginning to stroke his back in preparation for a light flogging. By the time I finished with him, all I wanted to do was go home and shower. In fact, I cut our scene short because the stench made me sick. Smokers are a hard limit.

Enter Shilo: He was different. I knew he was a smoker before I ever played with him. I was even reluctant to get entangled with him because he was a smoker, so I was cautiously friendly, but not so nice that he got any idea that I was interested in him. In an early note to him, when I first offered to play with him, I wrote:

"I do hope we get along well though, if only so you don't have to worry about finding someone to play with, and it would allow me to hone my skills on someone who actually enjoys being beaten. I get the idea that you are not fragile or breakable, and that in itself makes me happy.

I know you are a smoker (a BIG no-no in my personal preferences) but you don't stink of cigarettes, so that's why I made the offer now instead of when I first met you. I wanted to be friendly so you felt comfortable and welcome, but not so friendly that you thought I was coming on to you. Yeah, I'm weird like that."

 I was honest with him from the beginning. At our first play date, things went well, and the rest is history. When he expressed an interest in smoking cessation, I offered to help, and after we got engaged, he expressed a desire to be smoke-free in time for the wedding. I assisted and encouraged  him in doing this, and constantly gave positive feedback. I was so proud of him, and his parents were so very proud of him also. It was really nice to not smell cigarettes on his clothes when he held me, and kissing him was a pleasure.

Fast-forward to a few weeks ago.... One morning he leaned in to kiss me before his morning shower, and I smelled cigarettes. I jokingly said "Shilo, have you been smoking?" He denied it, and said that maybe it was because his jacket had been in his car, and his car still smelled of cigarettes. I accepted it, because I wanted to believe it. I wanted to believe him.Shortly after that day, he got into the habit of only entering my bedroom after he was freshly showered and naked. I kind of liked that... only.... only.... well.... sometimes he smelled of cigarettes. Actually, most of the time. It got to the point that I was no longer laughing about it. He accused his co-workers of smoking in the office, and said maybe that was why he smelled. I wasn't really satisfied with it, but what could I do? I saw no evidence of him smoking, and he was using his e-cigs around me, so I continued to believe him. Well, until early yesterday (11-6) I did.  I woke up not feeling well, so I showered, put on my footie jammies, and went back to bed.  As was his habit, he came in freshly showered, hair washed, etc. I told him I wasn't feeling well, and reassured him it was me and not Sunshine. He leaned over me to kiss me, and I stopped him. "Are you sure you aren't smoking?" He once again denied it, and accused his co-worker. I said, "I'd believe you, but that odor is coming from inside you." Again he denied it.  Well, I figured since I was sick, maybe I imagined that the odor was so strong. I told him I'd be staying where I was because my bed in his room is too far away from the bathroom. He reluctantly agreed and went to bed alone.

Later in the morning, Sunshine was playing on the computer, and he came in to ask me a favor, but he wound up asking her instead. He knew it was her, and he cave explicit instructions. She did as she was told, but was unable to do it because he gave her the wrong code. She went to tell him, and he was asleep and coughing. The room definitely reeked like a smoker's room, and she woke him up to tell him that he gave her the wrong code. He said he'd send it to her, and he rolled over. Eventually, she got bored with the game she was playing, and she let me out. Shilo was coughing loudly in his sleep. I walked to his room and listened. I knew he wasn't sick, so I stood at his doorway some more, and decided that I had enough reason to search his car. I felt guilty as I took his keys off the hook in the hallway, but I figured if I was wrong (and I was hoping I was wrong) I'd confess to not trusting him and apologize. Yes, I'm his Mistress, but I feel if I'm wrong, I owe it to him to admit my mistakes. I went through the garage and into the driveway, and unlocked his car. The stench in his car was unmistakable and unbearable. He had recently smoked in the car. There was no doubt in my mind. I opened the area where he used to keep his cigarettes, and there was an open pack. Yes, I was angry, but, more than anything, I was hurt. I felt betrayed. Shilo lied to me! I'm his wife and Mistress, and he deliberately lied! I gave him chances, many chances, to admit that he was smoking, I even asked him, and if he had told me, confessed, I would have been hurt, yes, but not really angry. I thought for a minute. Do I take the cigarettes and say nothing, or do I confront him? What could I do? Was a stern lecture what he needed, or was severe punishment in order? I knew a spanking would be a waste of time and energy. He enjoys them. I decided that in keeping with our new agreement that a severe punishment was in order. I dreaded doing it, because I knew it would hurt me as well,  but he needed a lesson firmly embedded, and he needed to  see the hurt and disappointment in my eyes. I put the pack of cigarettes in my pocket, and slowly and quietly walked into his room.


The explanation of the following events may be too traumatic for some readers. Read at your own risk!

I climbed onto the bed, and sat on his chest, knowing that the sudden weight would awaken him abruptly. Confused, he smiled at me, like he was expecting some sort of D/s play. I honestly don't remember what I said at that point, but I called him a liar, and showed him the open pack of cigarettes. His face went from happy and smiling to pale. He knew he had been caught. I told him to go into the bathroom and get naked. I followed behind him. Once he was naked, I told him to get in to the bathtub and lay down. He sat up inside the tub, and I yelled at him  to lay down. I turned on the faucet at cold, and sprayed his reclining body with the cold water, telling him he was cold-hearted in not being honest with me. I turned off the water, and told him to stay. I went into the bedroom and took off my clothes, and went back into the bathroom. I walked into the tub, and told him to close his eyes and I forcefully relieved myself on his face and chest. When I finished, I told him he was a piece of shit, floating in a toilet, he started gagging, so I made him sit up, and I helped him stand in the tub and told him to shower. I told him he was lucky that all I did was urinate, because earlier in the day, any urinating resulted in me defecating as well. While he showered and washed his urine soaked hair, I crushed the 15 cigarettes and put them in hot water that I  warmed in the microwave and made cigarette tea. When  he was all cleaned up, I told him to sit down and drink. He drank about half of it, and I took it away and told him to kneel. He kneeled, facing the door. I told him  to kneel facing the toilet, because I knew what was going to happen. As I got into the shower to wash up my urine from my legs and feet, he began to vomit into the toilet. At no time during this did I laugh or smile or feel joy. I loathed what I was doing, and I fought back tears. He needed to learn a lesson, and that lying to me, especially after being given chances to confess would not be tolerated. I told him to wash his face and brush his teeth, and I had him follow me into the bedroom. We laid under a blanket both of us naked, and we talked about what happened. Our feelings, and I gently stroked his back, and told him how much I Love him, and my reasoning for the punishment, and he admitted that he felt it was justified. We slept in each other's arms till about 3:30, and then I sent him to his room so I could finish up a project.

I drove him to work, and will pick him up in a few hours. Then we leave to visit his parents in MS to spend his birthday there.

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